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Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal data. For that reason, we process your data exclusively in accordance with the legal requirements (GDPR, Telecommunications Act of 2003 [TKG 2003]). The purpose of this privacy information is to acquaint you with the most important aspects of data processing that come to bear when you visit our website.

General data collection activities during website visits

Every time a data subject or an automated system accesses the website, we collect a range of general data and information. This general data and information is stored in the server's log files. The data and information we collect are:

  • an internet protocol address (IP address),
  • the data and time of accessing the website,
  • the exact page accessed on our website,
  • the website from which you accessed our website (known as the referer),
  • the browser used and the version of this browser,
  • and the operating system used to access our website.

We process this data for the following purposes:

  • to warrant a smooth connection with the website,
  • to optimise content for you on our website,
  • and to warrant system security and stability.

These points are both in your and our legitimate interest. Where necessary, we also use this data to meet our legal obligations in dealings with law enforcement agencies. We will never use the data collected to identify you as a person. The legal basis for this processing is article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We store these log files for a period of 2 months.

Contact by e-mail, telephone or post

So we can address your concerns at all times, we also process personal data when you contact us by e-mail, telephone or post. We only process the data you provide when you contact us, especially name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and other personal details that may be included in the description of your concern. In fact, this data will be stored for the length of time it takes to address your concern. Especially if you contact us within the scope of an existing contractual relationship or a contractual relationship is established by you contacting us, we will store this data for a prolonged period of time in conformity with our documentation and retention obligations.

During this time, we will not disclose the data you provided when you contacted us to third parties without due authorisation. The legal basis for processing the data may be any of the following: legitimate interest in communication with new prospective customers (Article 6[1][f] GDPR), your consent (Article 6[1][a] GDPR) and, when making contact within the scope of an existing contractual relationship or if a contractual relationship is established by initiating such contact, the necessity to perform a contract (Article 6[1][b] GDPR) and/or the need to comply with a legal obligation (Article 6[1][c] GDPR).

Contact form, Bookings

If you contact us using the form available on our website or by email, or send us your application, we will process the data you provide as well as the above mentioned general data. By using our form you agree that we may process your data. We will not disclose this data to any third party and will use the data exclusively for processing your request and for answering your enquiry. Your consent according to article 6 (1) (a) GDPR forms the legal basis for processing your data. In case you contact us by email, the basis is article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The data we collect during this process will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose you provided it. This is the case when the respective conversation is finished. This in turn is the case when your enquiry appears to be resolved completely. If you contact us for placing a contract, a further legal basis is article 6 (1) (b) GDPR. In this case we keep your enquiry as a business letter for 7 years.


You have the option of subscribing to our newsletter on our website. For this purpose, we require your email address and your agreement with the newsletter subscription.

If you do not supply your email address, you will not receive our newsletters. However if you do not supply optional data, you will still receive the newsletters but they will not be personalised.

For signing up to our newsletter, we use the so called double opt-in procedure. This means that once you have signed up for the newsletter, we will send you an email confirmation along with a link for you to confirm your subscription. Unless you confirm your subscription within 24 hours, your data will be deleted automatically. This ensures that no third party can subscribe you to our newsletter without your consent. After your confirmation, we will save your email address, IP address, date and time of registration and all voluntary information in order to be able to send you our newsletters. Your consent according to article 6 (1) (a) GDPR forms the legal basis for processing your data.

You may withdraw your consent and unsubscribe from this service at any time without affecting the legality of the processing carried out with your consent up to the withdrawal. You may unsubscribe by clicking the link contained in every newsletter email or by sending a message to the contact data supplied above. We retain your data as long as you are subscribed to the newsletter. We will not disclose this data without your consent.

Your rights

Generally, you enjoy the following rights: the right to access your data, the right to rectification of your data, the right to erasure of your data, the right to restrict processing of your data, the right to data portability and the right to object to the processing of your data. If you believe that the processing of your data is in breach of data protection law, or your rights under data protection law are otherwise infringed, you may file a claim with the supervisory authority. In Austria, this is the Data Protection Authority.

You will find further information on your rights at Website of the Austrian Economic Chambers.

Use of social media

General information

  • Purpose of data processing: We use social media primarily to communicate with new and existing customers and to provide a wide audience with information about our company. In particular, we process contact and communication data for this purpose as well as data needed to measure the reach of the information we provide. Beyond this, the operator of the respective social media platform processes personal data for tracking (e.g. generation of user profiles based on usage behaviour or interests), remarketing (e.g. targeted advertisement by cooperation partners) and in order to be able to supply us with statistical analyses about the use of our service.
  • Data subjects: Generally all profile visitors, meaning individuals who access our profiles in social media.
  • Scope of data processing: For the purposes stated, we, or third parties commissioned by us, process personal data for the identification of the profile visitor (e.g. name, address), data necessary to contact the profile visitor (e.g. email, address, telephone number), data on usage behaviour (e.g. length of stay, websites accessed, content searched for, services used), technical data (e.g. IP addresses, devices and programmes used to access the website), the profile visitor's contents (e.g. texts, photos, videos) and also, subject to approval, data regarding the profile visitor's physical location.
    This personal data related to the profile visitor is merged in a user profile and stored as a file ("cookie") on the profile visitor's terminal device. Other websites may also access these user profiles occasionally in order to use the data they contain for the targeted selection of advertising content or to supplement such data. Additionally, the third-party providers who make social media and other tools for data processing available for marketing purposes can store the data contained in the user profiles on their servers.
  • Legal grounds for data processing: We process personal data due to our legitimate interest in communication and direct advertising in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.
  • Data processing outside of the European Union: Sometimes, social media operators process data outside of the European Union.
  • Data subject rights: We ask profile visitors to exercise their right to be informed or any other data subject rights (e.g. erasure), where possible, by contacting the social media operators directly, because only the operators have unrestricted access to the processed data. Of course we will be happy to forward any data protection questions (e.g. information, correction, erasure) addressed to us to the respective social media operator.
    For more information on asserting your data subject rights, in particular regarding the existing options of objecting to the processing of your data, please refer to the respective social media operator's privacy policy.
  • Use of cookies: The user profiles are stored as a file ("cookie") on the profile visitor's terminal device. The saving of this file is subject to the profile visitor's consent which can be withdrawn at any time.

Services used


  • Service provider: Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland; a Facebook subsidiary, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California, USA; website:
  • Processed data: Data for the profile visitor's identification (e.g. name, address) for contact with the profile visitor (e.g. email address, telephone number), the profile visitor's contents (e.g. texts, photos, videos), data on the profile visitor's usage behaviour (e.g. length of stay, websites accessed, contents searched for, services used), technical data (e.g. IP addresses, devices and programmes used to access the profile) and also, subject to approval, data on the profile visitor's physical location.
  • Data subjects: All visitor profiles, meaning individuals who access our profiles on Facebook.
  • Legal grounds: Legitimate interest in communication and direct advertising in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.
  • Cookies: Facebook uses cookies to store the profile visitor's data. More about this:
  • Objection: Generally speaking, Facebook allows you to object to the processing of data for the purposes stated above ( You can also prohibit the processing of your data for the purposes stated above by not approving the cookies necessary to do this. This may, however, compromise individual functions of our website.
    Notwithstanding the above, there are also general opportunities to opt out for individual regions (Europe:; USA:; Canada:; international:
  • Information on data protection: Privacy Policy:; joint agreement on the processing of personal data on Facebook profiles:; data protection information for profiles on Facebook:


  • Service provider: Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, California, USA; website:
  • Processed data: Data for the profile visitor's identification (e.g. name, address) for contact with the profile visitor (e.g. email address, telephone number), the profile visitor's contents (e.g. texts, photos, videos), data on the profile visitor's usage behaviour (e.g. length of stay, websites accessed, contents searched for, services used), technical data (e.g. IP addresses, devices and programmes used to access the profile) and also, subject to approval, data on the profile visitor's physical location.
  • Data subjects: All profile visitors, meaning individuals who access our profiles on Twitter.
  • Legal grounds: Legitimate interest in communication and direct advertising in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.
  • Cookies: Twitter uses cookies to store the profile visitor's data. More about this:
  • Objection: Generally speaking, Twitter allows you to object to the processing of data for the purposes stated above (
  • Information on data protection: Privacy Policy:


  • Service provider: Instagram is a Facebook product provided by Facebook Ireland Limited (; Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland; a subsidiary of Facebook, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California, USA; Website:
  • Processed data: Data for the profile visitor's identification (e.g. name, address), for contact with the profile visitor (e.g. email address, telephone number), the profile visitor's contents (e.g. texts, photographs, videos), data on the profile visitor's usage behaviour (e.g. length of stay, websites accessed, contents searched for, services used), technical data (e.g. IP addresses, devices and programmes used to access the profile) and also, subject to consent, data on the profile visitor's physical location.
  • Data subjects: All profile visitors, meaning individuals who access our profiles on Instagram.
  • Lawful basis: Legitimate interest in communication and direct advertising in accordance with Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR.
  • Cookies: Instagram uses cookies to store the profile visitor's data. Learn more at
  • Objection: Generally, Instagram allows you to object to the processing of data for the purposes stated above (
  • Information on data protection: Terms of Use:; Data policy:

Cookies and local data storage

To improve your browsing experience, we use small text files known as "cookies" and other methods ("storage methods") to store data on your end device (e.g. in the local storage of your browser) to process your preferences and to enrich your user experience on our website. We do not use cookies and other storage methods to track your visits to our website. Cookies and other storage methods are routinely used by most websites today. If you are concerned about this, you can also set your browser to accept neither cookies nor other storage methods.


We use Matomo to learn more about how visitors interact with our website. For that purpose, we collect certain data on visitors‘ behaviour on our website. We combine these data and use it to perform statistical analyses on an aggregated level. Among the data we collect and process are for example:

  • which of our website’s sub-sites a visitor is navigating to,
  • how long a visitor remains on our website,
  • from which other website a visitor navigated to our website („referer“).

These data are collected and processed strictly anonymously. That means that we are not able to deduce information on any individual website visitor or identify them. Also, we do not combine these data with data from other sources, do not disclose these data to third parties within or outside of the European Union and do not use these data for individual profiling or solely automated decision-making.

You may object to the analyisis of your behaviour on our website, even though it is performed anonymously and no personal information is used in the process:

Protection against spam

To protect against spam and misuse, we use the Friendly Captcha service on our forms. This does not process any personal data.

Responsible party within the terms of article 13 (1) (a) GDPR

SCHUBfaktor Music
att: Mario Leichtfried
Friedgasse 1
3100 St. Pölten

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